    TG-BT5-IN Indoor Bluetooth tags for the MikroTik KNOT or other IoT asset-tracking/telemetry setups.

    TG-BT5-IN: slim and sleek, perfect for indoor inventory tracking

    Bluetooth tags play a huge role in IoT setups, where Bluetooth is used to broadcast the data over short distances. You can use these small devices for proximity-based tracking of various objects. For example, if you have a KNOT gateway in different parts of a construction site, you can use these tags to locate construction tools, electrical equipment, and other assets.

    Just attach the tags to the necessary items - and the nearest gateway will sense the tags in its proximity. Exceptionally useful in warehouse logistics – let your cargo inform you as soon as it enters the warehouse! They use so little power that a single built-in 220 mAh battery will last for years.

    Once activated, the tag will broadcast iBeacon, Eddystone or MikroTik telemetry advertising packets to the gateway (such as the KNOT or any other BLE gateway). These packets contain MAC address used for ID, as well as telemetry data – such as acceleration, tilt and battery charge level. The gateway then pushes the data to the remote server utilizing MQTT or HTTP protocols. By default, advertisement packets are sent once every 5 seconds, but you can change this value to your liking. For example, if you set the interval to 1 second, the battery will typically last two years. The built-in accelerometers can not only detect acceleration (movement), but can also register if the device was dropped or tilted (free-fall detection). The indoor version of our BLE tags works best in a temperature range from 0°C to 70°C. It is splash-proof, and comes with a built-in accelerometer.

     Send purchase questions


    Product code TG-BT5-IN
    Storage size 352 KB
    Storage type FLASH
    Suggested price $10.00


    Bluetooth version 5.2

    Certification & Approvals

    Certification CE, FCC, IC, EAC, ROHS
    IP 54
    Quick GuideOpen
    User ManualOpen
    Declaration of conformityOpen (CE)

    High resolution images

    Related products

    Download: Full CE declaration (PDF)

    Information about TG-BT5-IN

    [BG] Bulgarian С настоящето, "Mikrotikls SIA", декларира, че TG-BT5-IN е в съответствие със съществените изисквания и другитеприложими разпоредби на Директива 2014/53/EC.
    [CZ] Czech "Mikrotikls SIA" tímto prohlašuje, že TG-BT5-IN splňuje základní požadavky a všechna příslušná ustanoveni Směrnice 2014/53/ES.
    [DK] Danish Undertegnede "Mikrotikls SIA" erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr TG-BT5-IN overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 2014/53/EF.
    [DE] German Hiermit erklärt "Mikrotikls SIA", dass sich das Gerät TG-BT5-IN in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 2014/53/EG befindet.
    [EE] Estonian Käesolevaga kinnitab "Mikrotikls SIA" seadme TG-BT5-IN vastavust direktiivi 2014/53/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
    [EN] English Hereby, "Mikrotikls SIA", declares that this TG-BT5-IN is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EC.
    [ES] Spanish Por la presente, "Mikrotikls SIA", declara que este TG-BT5-IN cumple con los requisitos esenciales y otras exigencias relevantes de la Directiva 2014/53/EC.
    [IT] Italian Con la presente "Mikrotikls SIA" dichiara che questo TG-BT5-IN è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 2014/53/CE.
    [LV] Latvian Ar šo "Mikrotikls SIA" deklarē, ka TG-BT5-IN atbilst Direktīvas 2014/53/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.
    [LT] Lithuanian Šiuo "Mikrotikls SIA" deklaruoja, kad šis TG-BT5-IN atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 2014/53/EB Direktyvos nuostatas
    [HU] Hungarian A "Mikrotikls SIA" ezzennel kijelenti, hogy a TG-BT5-IN típusú beren-dezés teljesíti az alapvető követelményeket és más 2014/53/EK irányelvben meghatározott vonatkozó rendelkezéseket.
    [NL] Dutch Hierbij verklaart "Mikrotikls SIA" dat het toestel l TG-BT5-IN in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalin-gen van richtlijn 2014/53/EG.
    [PL] Polish Niniejszym "Mikrotikls SIA" deklaruje że TG-BT5-IN jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymaganiami i innymi właściwymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 2014/53/EC.
    [PT] Portuguese Eu, "Mikrotikls SIA", declaro que o TG-BT5-IN cumpre os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 2014/53/EC.
    [RO] Romanian Prin prezenta, "Mikrotikls SIA", declară că aparatul TG-BT5-IN este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi cu alte prevederi pertinente ale Directivei 2014/53/CE.
    [SK] Slovak "Mikrotikls SIA" týmto vyhlasuje, že TG-BT5-IN spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 2014/53/ES.
    [SI] Slovenian "Mikrotikls SIA" izjavlja, da je ta TG-BT5-IN v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi relevantnimi določili direktive 2014/53/ES.
    [FI] Finish "Mikrotikls SIA" vakuuttaa täten että TG-BT5-IN tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 2014/53/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
    [SE] Swedish Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra relevanta bestämmelser i direktiv 2014/53/EC.
    [NO] Norwegian "Mikrotikls SIA", Erklærer herved at TG-BT5-IN er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 2014/53/EF.