Theory, laboratories and exercises for MikroTik RouterOS (2 book series) by Vittore Zen 
Book 1: This book collects the theory, labs, and questions for a basic course on MikroTik RouterOS. Each laboratory is focused on a specific objective and does not mix concepts not yet acquired. It is possible to perform the workshops in the classroom but also at home, independently. In this case, a simple residential internet connection is enough to complete all the exercises. The questions at the end of the chapter push the student towards the most difficult topics and stimulate him to consult the official documentation. The problem found at the end of each chapter proposes a real case with its solution.
Book 2: If you want to start exploring topics such as advanced routing, VLAN, OSPF, BGP, MPLS, IPsec,...It is written to investigate the themes of routing through the RouterOS system used in Mikrotik products. At the same time this book aims to be a concrete preparation for the MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer (MTCRE) exam and the opportunity to study advanced routing as a fundamental tool for solving real cases.

MikroTik MTCNA - Student Guide: Prepare for the certification exam on RouterOS v7 by Maher Haddad 
MikroTik MTCNA - Student Guide: Prepare for the MikroTik MTCNA certification exam with step-by-step LABS on RouterOS v7
MikroTik Certified Network Associate (MTCNA) is the most popular MikroTik certificate. It is the first certificate to achieve when studying MikroTik, and a prerequisite for all MikroTik engineering certificates. In this book, I will pass through all topics required to be prepared for the MikroTik MTCNA exam. As being myself a MikroTik Certified Trainer, I made this book to be as a student guide so you can use it for your MTCNA study.
This book will be based on practical LABS with colored illustrations using step by step method.

Basic concepts of RouterOS 
Introduction to MikroTik RouterOS’ is a book that offers a strong introduction to fundamental concepts on the network operating system made by MikroTik. The book is for junior network engineers who are motivated to obtain systematized knowledge and are eager to understand what powerful tool RouerOS is. This book is a starting point of learning how network agility and dynamics can be achieved in any network with MikroTik technology solutions. There are many examples in the book supported by quality screenshots and working configuration exports. The book is published in Bulgarian language.

RouterOS by example 
RouterOS by Example covers all of the subjects presented in the MikroTik Certified Network Associate certification course, each explained through real life examples. This second edition is an update, with new examples created from Version 6 of RouterOS, and new material including a chapter on the switching functions of the CRS, Cloud Router Switches.

Laboratori ed esercizi per MikroTik RouterOS 
This book collects labs and questions for a basic course on MikroTik RouterOS. Chapters' order follows documentation provided at Mikrotik site. Each lab focuses on a specific goal and does not mix concepts that have not yet been acquired. It is possible to perform laboratories in classroom but also at home, independently. In this case, you need just a simple residential internet connection to complete all the exercises. Questions at the end of each chapter prompt student to most difficult topics and encourage him to consult official documentation. The problem at the end of each chapter proposes a real case with its solution.

Mikrotik Scripting. Unleash the Power of RouterOS Task Automation 
MikroTik Scripting will teach you how to use the power of the MikroTik RouterOS scripting language to extend the functionality and support the administration of your MikroTik device.
This book is for anyone who wishes to learn how to create scripts for the MikroTik platform, including:
Network engineers who are familiar with deploying MikroTik hardware and wish to create their own custom features for their network environment.
Network and software engineers who are involved with network automation and would like to automate tasks in their MikroTik environment.
Network operations departments who would like to automate alerts using self-monitoring scripts on MikroTik devices.
If you've been searching for a single resource to teach you how to create your own MikroTik scripts, then you'll find MikroTik Scripting extremely useful. It's also a valuable reference guide to keep on your bookshelf for future scripting work.

MikroTik MTCSE - Student Guide: Prepare for the certification exam on RouterOS v7 by Maher Haddad 
MikroTik MTCSE - Student Guide: Prepare for the MikroTik MTCSE certification exam with step-by-step LABS on RouterOS v7
MikroTik MTCSE is a very demanding certificate nowadays. Recently, MikroTik has produced RouterOS v7 and most of production routers are now using the newer RouterOS v7 version. However, there is not lot of documentations on securing RouterOS v7 (most documentation is for RouterOS v6), so that’s why this book will be more like a handbook for you to secure your MikroTik routers which are running RouterOS v7.
As a MikroTik Certified Trainer, I have been teaching MTCSE classes for some period now and I know what is needed for students to understand the material very well and be prepared for the MTCSE exam.
This book will be based on theory and LABS. So, in every topic I will explain the theory behind it then directly apply it on a LAB to show you step by step how you can secure the MikroTik products with the latest security mitigation.

El Workbook de Mikrotik RouterOS 
El instructor de TikAcademy, David González Herrera tras cinco años de capacitaciones y certificaciones a nivel mundial, fue recolectando las preguntas más frecuentes, las configuraciones más comúnmente solicitadas y los temas más buscados en sus capacitaciones sy en las redes sociales de la academia. Todo esto dio a luz este estupendo trabajo bibliográfico y manual de referencia no solos para nuestros estudiantes sino para el público en general.
El libro contiene desde la configuración de un entorno de simulación en GNS3, usando las imágenes de RouterOS CHR, la opción gratuita que nos brinda Mikrotik; hasta una sencilla configuración de OSPF de área única. El libro cubre configuraciones básicas ya sea utilizando la configuración de fábrica que viene predefinida en los equipos SoHo y otros temas como:
- Configuraciones de Servidor y Cliente DHCP
- Bridge
- Estación, AP y repetidor inalámbrico
- Túneles
- Firewall y Seguridad
- QoS
- Enrutamiento estático y dinámico
- Entre otros

MikroTik Switching with LABS: Master Switching on MikroTik by Maher Haddad 
As switching on MikroTik is a new topic, there are not a lot of resources on the internet to cover all the Switching details, that’s the reason why I have decided to build up a course to speak about MikroTik Switching in details. So, from 1 side, I cover all switching topics needed to be implemented in a production network and from the other side I make you prepared for the MTCSWE exam.

Multicast on MikroTik with LABS: Master Multicast on RouterOS using step-by-step LABS, Maher Haddad 
Multicast is a topic that was never clear to many network engineers when deploying it on MikroTik RouterOS. As this topic is very important, I have decided to write a book about Multicast where I explain in detail about it and I apply it directly with LABS.

Teoria, laboratori ed esercizi per MikroTik RouterOS - Routing 
If you want to start exploring topics such as advanced routing, VLAN, OSPF, BGP, MPLS, IPsec,...
It is written to investigate the themes of routing through the RouterOS system used in Mikrotik products. At the same time this book aims to be a concrete preparation for the Mikrotik Certified Routing Engineer (MTCRE) exam and the opportunity to study advanced routing as a fundamental tool for solving real cases.

Learn RouterOS 
Learn RouterOS - Second Edition: This is the second installment of Learn RouterOS. This edition is updated with v5 of RouterOS, new features, expanded information and updated documentation. New topics are covered such as IPv6, MPLS and other new RouterOS features. Expanded feature information has also been provided, updated and new information on existing features, and further explanation of features and systems requested by readers. Learn RouterOS is the most complete RouterOS book on the market!

Rrjetet me MikroTik 
The book “Networking with MikroTik”
The book “Networking with MikroTik” from US author Tyler Heart is brought in Albanian language thanks to the Mikrotik trainer Dritan Vreshta, the first of its kind in Albania as a MikroTik material and for the bases of MTCNA, that helps not only the students studying in the Networking Information Technology field, but also everyone that uses a MikroTik device in the office, ISP, WISP, many different institutions and in the home office.
It includes 19 chapters with details and with many real-world examples.
It will be available for all the students that will be trained for the MTCNA level and beyond that.
Follow the link below so you can learn more about his book and the trainings Dritan Vreshta offers.

Networking with MikroTik RouterOS: A Practical Approach to Understanding and Implementing RouterOS 
This book aims to provide readers with a solid foundation in the MikroTik RouterOS platform and the basic setup of its devices. The main focus is to teach readers how to configure and manage MikroTik devices in small to medium-sized networks and to familiarize them with its features, tools, and best practices.
This material prepares readers for the MTCNA (MikroTik Certified Network Associate) certification exam, which validates their skills and knowledge on the RouterOS platform. The content is updated to version 7 of RouterOS. Study Book (338 pages) + Lab Book (134 pages).

Mikrotik, Teoria e Prática 
Um Guia Prático e Completo, com Teoria e Prática, com Tudo Para Você Dominar Todas as Funcionalidades do Mikrotik!
Você irá Aprender como Configurar e Administrar o Mikrotik, desde os Fundamentos Básicos, até Configurações Avançadas - Passo a Passo!
Este Livro irá Ajudar a todos os Técnicos e Engenheiros de Rede de Computadores a Entenderem, de modo Prático e de Fácil Entendimento, o funcionamento das Redes TCP/IP em um ambiente MikroTik Router OS.

RouterOS MikroTik o Essencial 
Primeira e única publicação do Gênero em Português! Aprenda como acessar e configura equipamentos com esse poderoso Sistema Operacional!

Conceptos Fundamentales de MikroTik RouterOS 
Este libro tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los lectores una sólida base en la plataforma RouterOS de MikroTik y la configuración básica de sus dispositivos. El enfoque principal es enseñar a los lectores cómo configurar y administrar dispositivos MikroTik en redes pequeñas y medianas, y familiarizarlos con sus características, herramientas y mejores prácticas.
Este material prepara a los lectores para el examen de certificación MTCNA (MikroTik Certified Network Associate), que valida sus habilidades y conocimientos en la plataforma RouterOS. El contenido está actualizado a la versión 7 de RouterOS. Libro de Estudio (338 páginas) + Libro de Laboratorios (134 páginas)