Scripting gives a way to automate some router maintenance tasks by writing scripts to be executed if some event occurs. To write a script, the administrator must learn console commands described in the relevant documentation. Scripts may be written for the System Scheduler (see relevant manual), the Traffic Monitoring Tool (see relevant manual), and for the Netwatch Tool.
This is more an introductory text, less a reference. It freely uses commands and concepts before explaining them, to make it as short, simple and comprehensive as possible. It might be necessary to read it several times. Many examples are given, because it is the best way to explain most things.
:put (1 + 2)is valid and
(":pu" . "t") 3is not.
The console commands' parts can be seen in the following examples:/ping count=5 PREFIX - "/" COMMAND - "ping" NAMELESS_ARGUMENTS - "" ARGUMENTS - "count=5"
... ip firewall rule input PATH - ".. ip firewall rule" PATH_ARGUMENT - "input"
:for i from=1 to=10 do={:put $i} PREFIX - ":" COMMAND - "for" NAMELESS_ARGUMENTS - "i" ARGUMENTS - "from=1 to=10 do={:put $i}"
/interface monitor-traffic ether1,ether2,ipip1 PREFIX - "/" PATH - "interface" COMMAND - "monitor-traffic" NAMELESS_ARGUMENTS - "ether1,ether2,ipip1"
[admin@MikroTik] ip address> /user { {... /ip route {... print {... } Flags: X - disabled 0 ;;; system default user name="admin" group=full address= 1 name="x" group=write address= 2 name="y" group=read address= [admin@MikroTik] ip route>Although the current command level is changed to /ip route, it has effect only on next command entered from prompt, print command is still considered to be /user print.
[admin@MikroTik] ip address> /user { {... add name=x password=y group=write {... add name=y password=z group=read {... print {... } Flags: X - disabled 0 ;;; system default user name="admin" group=full address= 1 name="x" group=write address= 2 name="y" group=read address= [admin@MikroTik] ip address>
You can assign new value to variable using :set command. It has two unnamed arguments: the name of the variable and the new value of the variable.
Introducing variable has no effect on other scripts that may be running. It just tells the current script what variable names can be used, and where to get their values. After variable is no longer needed, it's name can be freed by :unset command. If you free local variable, it's value is lost. If you free global variable, it's value is still kept in router, it just becomes inaccessible from current script.
[admin@MikroTik] ip route> :put $a ERROR: unknown variable a [admin@MikroTik] ip route>You must first declare a variable.
[admin@MikroTik] ip route> / [admin@MikroTik] > :global g1 [admin@MikroTik] > :set g1 "this is global variable" [admin@MikroTik] > :put $g1 this is global variable [admin@MikroTik] >or like this:
[admin@MikroTik] > :local l1 [admin@MikroTik] > :set l1 "this is local variable" [admin@MikroTik] > :put $l1 this is local variable [admin@MikroTik] >or, finally, like this:
[admin@MikroTik] > :for l1 from=1 to=3 do={:put $l1} 1 2 3 [admin@MikroTik] > :put $l1 this is local variable [admin@MikroTik] >The following example will create a local variable with start value 0 and then will increase it by 1:
[admin@MikroTik] > :local counter [admin@MikroTik] > :set counter 0 [admin@MikroTik] > :put $counter 0 [admin@MikroTik] > :set counter ($counter + 1) [admin@MikroTik] > :put $counter 1 [admin@MikroTik] >Because increasing or decreasing variable's value by one is such a common case, there are two commands that do just that. :incr increases value of variable by 1, and :decr decreases it by 1.
[admin@MikroTik] > :incr counter [admin@MikroTik] > :put $counter 2 [admin@MikroTik] >
[admin@MikroTik] > /interface [admin@MikroTik] interface> find type=ether [admin@MikroTik] interface>It displays nothing on screen, and returns internal numbers of items with matching property values. This is how return value looks:
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put [find type=ether] *A,*B [admin@MikroTik] interface>and this is how it can be used in other commands
[admin@MikroTik] interface> enable [find type=ether] [admin@MikroTik] interface>Besides find, some other commands also return useful values. /ping returns number of successful pings:
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put [/ping count=3] 64 byte pong: ttl=64 time<1 ms 64 byte pong: ttl=64 time<1 ms 64 byte pong: ttl=64 time<1 ms 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0 packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0.0/0 ms 3 [admin@MikroTik] interface>:set returns value of it's second argument. :time returns the measured time value. :incr and :decr return new value of variable. Another important case is add command, which return internal number of newly created item.
[admin@MikroTik] interface> /user [admin@MikroTik] user> :put [add name=z password=x group=full] *7 [admin@MikroTik] user>This way you can store it in variable for later use.
Supported operations are:
[admin@MikroTik] user> :put (1 + 2) 3 [admin@MikroTik] user> /interface [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ([find type=ipip ] . [find type=ether ]) *6,*A,*B [admin@MikroTik] interface>logical NOT
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (!true) false [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (!(2>3)) true [admin@MikroTik] interface>unary minus
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (-1<0) true [admin@MikroTik] > :put (--1) 1bit inversion
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (~ [admin@MikroTik] interface>sum
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (3s + 5s) 8s [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( + ERROR: cannot add ip address to ip address [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( + 10) [admin@MikroTik] interface>subtraction
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (15 - 10) 5 [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( - 12 [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( - 12) [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (15h - 2s) 14h59m58s [admin@MikroTik] interface>multiplication
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (12s * 4) 48s [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (-5 * -2) 10 [admin@MikroTik] interface>division
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (10s / 3) 3s333.333ms [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (5 / 2) 2 [admin@MikroTik] interface>comparison
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (<= false [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (100000s>27h) true [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (60s,1d!=1m,3600s) false [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (bridge=routing) false [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (yes=false) false [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (true=aye) ERROR: cannot compare if truth value is equal to string [admin@MikroTik] interface>logical AND, logical OR
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ((yes && yes) || (yes && no)) true [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ((no || no) && (no || yes)) false [admin@MikroTik] interface>bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( & ~ [admin@MikroTik] interface>shift operators
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (~(( << 7) - 1)) [admin@MikroTik] interface>concatenation
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1 . 3) 13 [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1,2 . 3) 1,2,3 [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1 . 3,4) 13,4 [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1,2 . 3,4) 1,2,3,4 [admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ((1 . 3) + 1) ERROR: cannot add string to integer number [admin@MikroTik] interface>
There is no way to explicitly control this type conversion, but it most likely will be changed in future versions. Meanwhile, this can help to explain why console sometimes "corrupts" values, that are meant to be strings, but look like one of the above types:
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put 1s1d90039 2d1h40s [admin@MikroTik] interface>In console integers are internally represented as 64 bit signed numbers, so the range of variable values can be from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. It is possible to input them as hexadecimal numbers, by prefixing with "0x":
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put 0x123ABCDEF4567890 1313569907099990160 [admin@MikroTik] interface> / [admin@MikroTik] >Lists are written as comma separated sequence of values. Putting whitespaces around commas is not recommended, because it might confuse console about word boundaries.
[admin@MikroTik] > :foreach i in 1,2,3 do {:put $i} 1 2 3 [admin@MikroTik] > :foreach i in 1, 2, 3 do {:put $i} ERROR: no such argument (2,) [admin@MikroTik] >Boolean values are written as either true or false. Console also accepts yes for true, and no for false.
Internal numbers begin with '*'.
Time intervals are written as sequence of numbers, that can be followed by letters specifying the units of time measure. The default is a second. Numbers may have decimal point. It is also possible to use the HH:MM:SS notation. Here are some examples:
[admin@MikroTik] > :put "1000s" 16m40s [admin@MikroTik] > :put "1day 1day 1day" 3d [admin@MikroTik] > :put "1day day 1day" 1day day 1day [admin@MikroTik] > :put "1.5hours" 1h30m [admin@MikroTik] > :put "1:15" 1h15m [admin@MikroTik] > :put "0:3:2.05" 3m2s50ms [admin@MikroTik] >Accepted time units:
d, day, days - unit is 24 hours
h, hour, hours - unit is 1 hour
m - unit is 1 minute
s - unit is 1 second
ms - unit is 1 millisecond (0.001 second)
[admin@MikroTik] > : local introduces local variable global introduces global variable unset forgets variable set creates or changes variable value put prints argument on the screen while executes command while condition is true if executes command if condition is true do executes command time times command incr increments variable decr decrements variable for executes command for a range of integer values foreach executes command for every element in a list delay does nothing for a while (default 1 second) environment information about variables log add entry in the system logs [admin@MikroTik] > ::local, :global, :unset, :set, :incr and :decr commands are explained in the section about variables. All other commands will be explained in this section.
[admin@MikroTik] > :if (yes) do={:put yes} else={:put no} true [admin@MikroTik] > :if ([/ping count=1] = 0) do {:put "gw unreachable"} pong timeout 1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss gw unreachable [admin@MikroTik] >There are four loop control commands in console. They all have do statement, which holds console commands that have to be executed repeatedly.
[admin@MikroTik] > :for i from=1 to=100 step=37 do={:put ($i . " - " . 1000/$i)} 1 - 1000 38 - 26 75 - 13 [admin@MikroTik] >
[admin@MikroTik] > :foreach i in=[/interface find type=ether ] do={ {... :put [/interface get $i name] {... :foreach j in=[/ip address find interface=$i] do={ {{... :put [/ip address get $j address] {{... } {... } ether1 ether2 [admin@MikroTik] >
[admin@MikroTik] > :time {:delay 1756ms} 1.755333s [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:time {:delay}] 1.007464s 1s7.464ms [admin@MikroTik] >
[admin@MikroTik] > :log facility=System-Warning message="Very Bad Thing happened" [admin@MikroTik] >
[admin@MikroTik] > :environment print Global Variables g1=this is global variable Local Variables g1=this is global variable l1=this is local variable counter=2 [admin@MikroTik] >This can be useful in debugging scripts, or just for figuring out how variables work in console. Suppose we don't want to use variable "g1" anymore:
[admin@MikroTik] > :unset g1 [admin@MikroTik] > :environment print Global Variables g1=this is global variable Local Variables l1=this is local variable counter=2 [admin@MikroTik] > :put $g1 ERROR: unknown variable g1 [admin@MikroTik] >Here, although such global variable still exists (and we can get it back with :global g1 command), it is unknown because we have told current script to forget about it.
[admin@MikroTik] > :global g1 [admin@MikroTik] > :put $g1 this is global variable [admin@MikroTik] >
Names of properties that can be accessed by get are the same as shown by print command, plus names of item flags (like the disabled in the example below). You can use tab key completions to see what properties any particular get command can return.
[admin@MikroTik] > /interface [admin@MikroTik] interface> monitor-traffic ether2 once do={:environment print} received-packets-per-second: 2 received-bits-per-second: 960.00bps sent-packets-per-second: 0 sent-bits-per-second: 0.00bps Global Variables Local Variables sent-bits-per-second=0 received-packets-per-second=2 received-bits-per-second=960 sent-packets-per-second=0 [admin@kzd] interface>
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put [/interface get ether1 disabled ] true [admin@MikroTik] interface>If command level has general settings, get command only takes the name of property:
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put [/system clock get time ] feb/28/2003 12:44:39 [admin@MikroTik] interface>
It is possible to put multiple commands on a single line, separating them by ';'. Console treats ';' as end of line when separating script text into commands.
If you want to use any of {}[]"'\$ characters in a string, you have to prefix them with '\' character. Console takes any character following '\' literally, without assigning any special meaning to it, except for such cases:
\a bell (alarm), character code 7 \b backspace, character code 8 \f form feed, character code 12 \n newline, character code 10 \r carriage return, character code 13 \t tabulation, character code 9 \v vertical tabulation, character code 11 \_ space, character code 32Also, '\' followed by any amount of whitespace characters (spaces, newlines, carriage returns, tabulations), followed by newline is treated as a single whitespace, except inside quotes, where it is treated as nothing. This is used by console to break up long lines in scripts generated by export commands.
You can execute a script by using the run command.
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=log-test source={:log message=hello} [admin@MikroTik] system script> print 0 name="log-test" source=":log message=hello" owner="admin" policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test run-count=0 [admin@MikroTik] system script>
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=DelayeD source={:delay 10m} [admin@MikroTik] system script> print 0 name="log-test" source=":log message=hello" owner=admin last-started=feb/27/2003 11:05:19 run-count=1 1 name="DelayD" source=":delay 10m" owner="admin" policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test run-count=0 [admin@MikroTik] system script> run DelayeD [admin@MikroTik] system script> job print # SCRIPT OWNER STARTED 0 DelayeD admin feb/27/2003 11:17:33 [admin@MikroTik] system script>You can cancel execution of a script by removing it from the jobs list:
[admin@MikroTik] system script> job remove 0 [admin@MikroTik] system script> job print [admin@MikroTik] system script> print 0 name="log-test" source=":log message=hello" owner="admin" policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test last-started=feb/27/2003 11:05:13 run-count=1 1 name="DelayD" source=":delay 10m" owner="admin" policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test last-started=feb/27/2003 11:17:33 run-count=1 [admin@MikroTik] system script>
Editor works only on VT102 compatible terminals (terminal names "vt102", "linux", "xterm", "rxvt" are recognized as VT102 at the moment). Delete, backspace and cursor keys might not work with all terminal programs, use 'Ctrl' alternatives in such cases.
The following example shows the process of sript editing using edit command:
This script is used for writing message "hello" and 3 messages "kuku" to the system log.
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=gw_1 source={/ip route set {... [/ip route find dst] gateway} [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=gw_2 source={/ip route set {.. [/ip route find dst] gateway} [admin@MikroTik] system script> /tool netwatch [admin@MikroTik] tool netwatch> add host= interval=10s timeout=998ms \ \... up-script=gw_2 down-script=gw_1 [admin@MikroTik] tool netwatch> print Flags: X - disabled # HOST TIMEOUT INTERVAL STATUS 0 997ms 10s up [admin@MikroTik] tool netwatch> print detail Flags: X - disabled 0 host= timeout=997ms interval=10s since=feb/27/2003 14:01:03 status=up up-script=gw_2 down-script=gw_1 [admin@MikroTik] tool netwatch>Without scripts, netwatch can be used just as an information tool to see which links are up, or which specific hosts are running at the moment.
Let's look at the example above - it changes default route if gateway becomes unreachable. How it's done? There are two scripts. The script "gw_2" is executed once when status of host changes to up. In our case, it's equivalent to entering this console command:
[MikroTik] > /ip route set [/ip route find dst] gateway /ip route find dst command returns list of all routes whose dst-address value is zero. Usually that's the default route. It is substituted as first argument to /ip route set command, which changes gateway of this route to
The script "gw_1" is executed once when status of host becomes down. It does the following:
[MikroTik] > /ip route set [/ip route find dst] gateway changes the default gateway if address has become unreachable.
Here's another example, that sends email notification whenever the host goes down:
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=e-down source={/tool e-mail send {... from="" server="" body="Router down" {... subject="Router at second floor is down" to=""} [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=e-up source={/tool e-mail send {... from="" server="" body="Router up" {.. subject="Router at second floor is up" to=""} [admin@MikroTik] system script> [admin@MikroTik] system script> /tool netwatch [admin@MikroTik] system netwatch> add host= timeout=999ms \ \... interval=20s up-script=e-up down-script=e-down [admin@MikroTik] tool netwatch> print detail Flags: X - disabled 0 host= timeout=998ms interval=20s since=feb/27/2003 14:15:36 status=up up-script=e-up down-script=e-down [admin@MikroTik] tool netwatch>
If more than one script has to be executed at one time, they are executed in the order they appear in the scheduler configuration. This can be important if, for example, one scheduled script is used to disable another. The order of scripts can be changed with the move command.
If a more complex execution pattern is needed, it can usually be done by scheduling several scripts, and making them enable and disable each other.
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=log-test source=:log [admin@MikroTik] system script> print 0 name="log-test" source=":log" owner=admin run-count=0 [admin@MikroTik] system script> .. scheduler [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add name=run-1h interval=1h script=log-test [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> print Flags: X - disabled # NAME SCRIPT START-DATE START-TIME INTERVAL RUN-COUNT 0 run-1h log-test oct/30/2008 15:08:22 1h 1 [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler>In another example there will be two scripts added that will change the bandwidth setting of a queue rule "Cust0". Everyday at 9AM the queue will be set to 64Kb/s and at 5PM the queue will be set to 128Kb/s. The queue rule, the scripts, and the scheduler tasks are below:
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> add name=Cust0 interface=ether1 \ \... dst-address= limit-at=64000 [admin@MikroTik] queue simple> print Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 0 name="Cust0" src-address= dst-address= interface=ether1 limit-at=64000 queue=default priority=8 bounded=yes [admin@MikroTik] queue simple> /system script [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=start_limit source={/queue simple set \ \... Cust0 limit-at=64000} [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=stop_limit source={/queue simple set \ \... Cust0 limit-at=128000} [admin@MikroTik] system script> print 0 name="start_limit" source="/queue simple set Cust0 limit-at=64000" owner=admin run-count=0 1 name="stop_limit" source="/queue simple set Cust0 limit-at=128000" owner=admin run-count=0 [admin@MikroTik] system script> .. scheduler [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add interval=24h name="set-64k" \ \... start-time=9:00:00 script=start_limit [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add interval=24h name="set-128k" \ \... start-time=17:00:00 script=stop_limit [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> print Flags: X - disabled # NAME SCRIPT START-DATE START-TIME INTERVAL RUN-COUNT 0 set-64k start... oct/30/2008 09:00:00 1d 0 1 set-128k stop_... oct/30/2008 17:00:00 1d 0 [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler>The following example schedules script that sends each week backup of router configuration by e-mail.
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=e-backup source={/system backup {... save name=email; /tool e-mail send to="" subject=[/system {... identity get name]" Backup" file=email.backup} [admin@MikroTik] system script> print 0 name="e-backup" source="/system backup save name=ema... owner=admin run-count=0 [admin@MikroTik] system script> .. scheduler [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add interval=7d name="email-backup" \ \... script=e-backup [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> print Flags: X - disabled # NAME SCRIPT START-DATE START-TIME INTERVAL RUN-COUNT 0 email-... e-backup oct/30/2008 15:19:28 7d 1 [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler>Do not forget to set the e-mail settings, i.e., the SMTP server and From: address under /tool e-mail. For example:
[admin@MikroTik] tool e-mail> set server= [admin@MikroTik] tool e-mail> print server: from: [admin@MikroTik] tool e-mail>Example below will put 'x' in logs each hour from midnight till noon:
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=enable-x source={/system scheduler {... enable x} [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=disable-x source={/system scheduler {... disable x} [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=log-x source={:log message=x} [admin@MikroTik] system script> .. scheduler [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add name=x-up start-time=00:00:00 \ \... interval=24h script=enable-x [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add name=x-down start-time=12:00:00 \... interval=24h script=disable-x [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> add name=x start-time=00:00:00 interval=1h \ \... script=log-x [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler> print Flags: X - disabled # NAME SCRIPT START-DATE START-TIME INTERVAL RUN-COUNT 0 x-up enable-x oct/30/2008 00:00:00 1d 0 1 x-down disab... oct/30/2008 12:00:00 1d 0 2 x log-x oct/30/2008 00:00:00 1h 0 [admin@MikroTik] system scheduler>
[admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=eth-up source={/interface enable ether2} [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name=eth-down source={/interface disable {... ether2} [admin@MikroTik] system script> /tool traffic-monitor [admin@MikroTik] tool traffic-monitor> add name=turn_on interface=ether1 \ \... on-event=eth-up threshold=15000 trigger=above traffic=received [admin@MikroTik] tool traffic-monitor> add name=turn_off interface=ether1 \ \... on-event=eth-down threshold=12000 trigger=below traffic=received [admin@MikroTik] tool traffic-monitor> print Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid # NAME INTERFACE TRAFFIC TRIGGER THRESHOLD ON-EVENT 0 turn_on ether1 received above 15000 eth-up 1 turn_off ether1 received below 12000 eth-down [admin@MikroTik] tool traffic-monitor>
[admin@10.179] tool sigwatch> pr Flags: X - disabled # NAME PORT SIGNAL ON-CONDITION LOG 0 test serial1 cts change no [admin@MikroTik] tool sigwatch>By typing a command print detail interval=1s we can prove whether a cable is connected or disconnected. See the state argument - if the cable is connected to the serial port, it shows on, when disconnected - off:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sigwatch> print detail Flags: X - disabled 0 name="test" port=serial1 signal=cts on-condition=change log=no script="" count=1 state=on [admin@MikroTik] tool sigwatch> print detail Flags: X - disabled 0 name="test" port=serial1 signal=cts on-condition=change log=no script="" count=1 state=on [admin@MikroTik] tool sigwatch> print detail Flags: X - disabled 0 name="test" port=serial1 signal=cts on-condition=change log=no script="" count=2 state=off [admin@MikroTik] tool sigwatch> print detail Flags: X - disabled 0 name="test" port=serial1 signal=cts on-condition=change log=no script="" count=2 state=off [admin@MikroTik] tool sigwatch>In the port menu it's seen what signal is used by serial cable. For example, without any cables it looks like this:
[admin@MikroTik] port> print stats 0 name="serial0" line-state=dtr,rts 1 name="serial1" line-state=dtr,rts [admin@MikroTik] port>But after adding a serial cable to the serial port:
[admin@MikroTik] port> print stats 0 name="serial0" line-state=dtr,rts 1 name="serial1" line-state=dtr,rts,cts [admin@MikroTik] port>It means that the line-state beside the dtr and rts signals has also cts when a serial cable is connected.
The example below will execute a script whenever on-condition changes to off:
[admin@10.MikroTik] tool sigwatch> pr detail Flags: X - disabled 0 name="cts_rest" port=serial1 signal=cts on-condition=off log=no script=/system shutdown count=0 state=onIt means that if a serial cable is connected to the serial port, all works fine, but as soon as it's disconnected - the router shuts down. It will continue all the time until the serial cable will not be connected again.